WERA General Meeting of January 23, 2018
http://www.mywestend.blogspot.com Email: mywestend@telus.net
Twitter: @WERANewWest
Meeting commenced: 7:05 p.m.
Chair: Elmer Rudolph; Recorder: Gavin McLeod
Number of attendees: 8
Approval of minutes of previous meetings: Motion to approve minutes of November28, 2017, moved by Gavin McLeod seconded by Heather Mackenzie, approved.
Additional Agenda Items: Connaught Heights traffic, wood stoves, NTAC delegate.
Community Policing Committee Report (Gavin McLeod): Deputy Chief Constable (DCC) Dave Jansen provided the following statistics:
Crime Rates in New Westminster for the month of August:
By Area: West End has seen a 2% increase, SkyTrain crime has seen a 3% decrease
Crime Types: Criminal code has seen a 7% decrease, Person’s crime (includes robberies, assaults) has seen no change (0%), property offences has seen a 5% decrease, other (includes such categories as drugs, prostitution) has seen a 20% decrease.
Crime Categories: Break and enters has seen no change (0%), Robberies decreased by 24% (year to date), Theft from auto decreased by 9%, theft of auto saw an increase of 14% (17 more cars in comparison from last year), assaults have decreased by 6%, drug offences have decreased by 59%
Request To City For Financial Assistance for WERA (Gavin McLeod): An application form was received from Ruby Campbell and filled out. WERA will be requesting $200 for 2018. Elmer Rudolph signed the form and it will be submitted tomorrow.
Stewardson Way Overpass Update (Gavin McLeod). An email was received reporting that drilling was taking place at Grimston park for footings for an overpass. Emails and phone calls were exchanged with City Hall, but no definitive information was provided. A visit to Grimston Park discovered a drilling crew who confirmed that the drilling was part of a project for an overpass and was paid for by the government. A phone call to Parks and Recreation followed. A staff person reported that Translink was responsible, drilling took place at Grimston park and there was work performed on the south side of Stewardson Way. A visit to the south side of Stewardson Way revealed an observation well. The site will be revisited. At tonight’s meeting a representative suggested that some of my information was inaccurate. Further investigation is required.
Two houses built on 4000 square foot lot.1300 block 10th Ave. (Mary Wilson): A 4000 square foot lot on 10th Ave. that has two energy efficient houses, front and back. David Guiney suggested that the two lots have existed separately for some time. The houses are small and allowance for car movement was provided for by easements front and back. The two houses are listed at just under 1 million dollars each.
Move By Metro Vancouver To Ban Fireplaces In The Lower Mainland (Elmer Rudolph): Wood smoke is a pollutant and a carcinogen, Metro Vancouver has a wood stove exchange program, check out the website at: Wood Stove Exchange Program . Use of woodstoves and fireplaces is allowed but conditions must be met. Excessive smoke and garbage burning is prohibited. Complaints may be submitted: Wood Smoke Complaints .
Pedestrian Safety (Mary Wilson): Pedestrians have been hit in marked crosswalks. Some pedestrians are not cautious enough but drivers bear a greater responsibility due to the weight of speed of their vehicles. Infrastructure improvements to roads and crossings can help a lot but priority must change from movement of vehicles to pedestrian safety.
Connaught Heights Road Safety (Karl Brysch): Karl lives in Connaught Heights. He reported on vehicles entering off 20th where the shouldn’t; this is a safety issue. Ninth Ave. is blocked to incoming traffic, but vehicles still enter on wrong side of road, often it is residents who feel that they have a greater right to do this. Apparently there was some discussion about removing the barrier on Ninth Ave. at Twentieth. When traffic backs up on Twentieth people get impatient and look for other routes, this will not change until traffic congestion on Twentieth street is alleviated. There will be a Connaught Heights Residents’ Association meeting on January 24th.
Additional Agenda ItemsApplication to City for Position of WERA Delegate to Neighbourhood Traffic Advisory Committee: Frank Norman reported that he has not been contacted about his application for the position of WERA delegate to NTAC. The first meeting will be in February 2018.
Walking Challenge 2018 (Mary Wilson): There will be a walking challenge this year will be bigger and better than last year. Jane’s walk will take place during the walking challenge. Check out Walkers' Caucus
Meeting Adjourned: 20:25
Next Meeting: Tentatively scheduled for Tuesday March 27, 2018 at Unity in Action Church from 7 pm to 9 pm.
http://www.mywestend.blogspot.com Email: mywestend@telus.net
Twitter: @WERANewWest
Meeting commenced: 7:05 p.m.
Chair: Elmer Rudolph; Recorder: Gavin McLeod
Number of attendees: 8
Approval of minutes of previous meetings: Motion to approve minutes of November28, 2017, moved by Gavin McLeod seconded by Heather Mackenzie, approved.
Additional Agenda Items: Connaught Heights traffic, wood stoves, NTAC delegate.
Community Policing Committee Report (Gavin McLeod): Deputy Chief Constable (DCC) Dave Jansen provided the following statistics:
Crime Rates in New Westminster for the month of August:
By Area: West End has seen a 2% increase, SkyTrain crime has seen a 3% decrease
Crime Types: Criminal code has seen a 7% decrease, Person’s crime (includes robberies, assaults) has seen no change (0%), property offences has seen a 5% decrease, other (includes such categories as drugs, prostitution) has seen a 20% decrease.
Crime Categories: Break and enters has seen no change (0%), Robberies decreased by 24% (year to date), Theft from auto decreased by 9%, theft of auto saw an increase of 14% (17 more cars in comparison from last year), assaults have decreased by 6%, drug offences have decreased by 59%
Request To City For Financial Assistance for WERA (Gavin McLeod): An application form was received from Ruby Campbell and filled out. WERA will be requesting $200 for 2018. Elmer Rudolph signed the form and it will be submitted tomorrow.
Stewardson Way Overpass Update (Gavin McLeod). An email was received reporting that drilling was taking place at Grimston park for footings for an overpass. Emails and phone calls were exchanged with City Hall, but no definitive information was provided. A visit to Grimston Park discovered a drilling crew who confirmed that the drilling was part of a project for an overpass and was paid for by the government. A phone call to Parks and Recreation followed. A staff person reported that Translink was responsible, drilling took place at Grimston park and there was work performed on the south side of Stewardson Way. A visit to the south side of Stewardson Way revealed an observation well. The site will be revisited. At tonight’s meeting a representative suggested that some of my information was inaccurate. Further investigation is required.
Two houses built on 4000 square foot lot.1300 block 10th Ave. (Mary Wilson): A 4000 square foot lot on 10th Ave. that has two energy efficient houses, front and back. David Guiney suggested that the two lots have existed separately for some time. The houses are small and allowance for car movement was provided for by easements front and back. The two houses are listed at just under 1 million dollars each.
Move By Metro Vancouver To Ban Fireplaces In The Lower Mainland (Elmer Rudolph): Wood smoke is a pollutant and a carcinogen, Metro Vancouver has a wood stove exchange program, check out the website at: Wood Stove Exchange Program . Use of woodstoves and fireplaces is allowed but conditions must be met. Excessive smoke and garbage burning is prohibited. Complaints may be submitted: Wood Smoke Complaints .
Pedestrian Safety (Mary Wilson): Pedestrians have been hit in marked crosswalks. Some pedestrians are not cautious enough but drivers bear a greater responsibility due to the weight of speed of their vehicles. Infrastructure improvements to roads and crossings can help a lot but priority must change from movement of vehicles to pedestrian safety.
Connaught Heights Road Safety (Karl Brysch): Karl lives in Connaught Heights. He reported on vehicles entering off 20th where the shouldn’t; this is a safety issue. Ninth Ave. is blocked to incoming traffic, but vehicles still enter on wrong side of road, often it is residents who feel that they have a greater right to do this. Apparently there was some discussion about removing the barrier on Ninth Ave. at Twentieth. When traffic backs up on Twentieth people get impatient and look for other routes, this will not change until traffic congestion on Twentieth street is alleviated. There will be a Connaught Heights Residents’ Association meeting on January 24th.
Additional Agenda ItemsApplication to City for Position of WERA Delegate to Neighbourhood Traffic Advisory Committee: Frank Norman reported that he has not been contacted about his application for the position of WERA delegate to NTAC. The first meeting will be in February 2018.
Walking Challenge 2018 (Mary Wilson): There will be a walking challenge this year will be bigger and better than last year. Jane’s walk will take place during the walking challenge. Check out Walkers' Caucus
Meeting Adjourned: 20:25
Next Meeting: Tentatively scheduled for Tuesday March 27, 2018 at Unity in Action Church from 7 pm to 9 pm.
1 comment:
March 22, 2018 is a Thur. Is the next meeting to be held on Tues., Mar. 20 or Thur., Mar. 22?
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