WERA AGM November 28, 2017
Email: mywestend@telus.net
commenced: 7:02 p.m.
Chair: Elmer
Rudolph; Recorder: Gavin McLeod
Number of
attendees: 6
Approval of minutes of previous
meetings: Motion
to approve minutes of March, moved by Gavin McLeod seconded by Mary Wilson.
Additional Agenda Items: Richard Barrow, wood stoves, NTAC
Report on Residents’ Association
Forum of September 13, 2017 (Elmer Rudolph): The main topic at the meeting was discussion of
financial assistance to Residents’ Associations. City council has approved
assistance up to $200 without receipts, grants can be applied for once per
year. An application must be submitted to Ruby Campbell. A representative from
EVO car sharing attended at talked about the presence of EVO in New
Westminster. There are 40 dedicated parking spots in New Westminster
concentrated in high density areas. There have been some complaints about cars
being left too long and a large number of EVO cars in Sapperton. EVO cars have
same status as residential permits. Linking Block Parties was discussed.
Instead of individual block parties it was proposed, by the president of the
Brow Of The Hill RA, that a combined block parties be held on the same day.
There have been complaints about the cost of tree protection deposits. (smallish
tree $500, large tree $5000). Chuck Puchmayr suggested updating the RA
Community Policing Committee Report
(Gavin McLeod): Deputy
Chief Constable (DCC) Dave Jansen provided the following statistics:
Rates in New Westminster for the month of August:
By Area: West End has seen a 2%
increase, SkyTrain crime has seen a 3% decrease
Crime Types: Criminal code has seen
a 7% decrease, Person’s crime (includes robberies, assaults) has seen no change
(0%), property offences has seen a 5% decrease, other (includes such categories
as drugs, prostitution) has seen a 20% decrease.
Crime Categories: Break and enters has seen no change (0%), Robberies
decreased by 24% (year to date), Theft from auto decreased by 9%, theft of auto
saw an increase of 14% (17 more cars in comparison from last year), assaults
have decreased by 6%, drug offences have decreased by 59%
ActBiPed Committee Report
(Mary Wilson):
Mary Wilson reported on the Downtown Transportation Plan, what works and what
doesn’t. This is a three-part project with two more meetings. Items of interest
are Sapperton Green, Braid station and a crosswalk at Eighteenth street and 10th
Burnaby Developments on 11th
Ave-Ice Rink? (Mary Wilson).
Burnaby is speeding ahead on development at the old Safeway site and nearby
properties, this will attract people and cars to the area increasing traffic on
10th and impeding pedestrian access across 10th Ave.
Additional Agenda Items
Application to City for Position of
WERA Delegate to Neighbourhood Traffic Advisory Committee Meeting: WERA is entitled to send one
delegate to the Neighbourhood Traffic Advisory Committee. The city requests
that two names be submitted. Gavin McLeod is the incumbent delegate.
Wood Stoves: Wood smoke is a designated carcinogen.
Metro Vancouver is considering a ban on wood stoves. Many houses in New
Westminster have fireplaces. They are more decorative than functional as they
do not burn efficiently and draw warm air out of the house. There is a rebate
program for wood stoves. Richard Barrow, a resident of the West End was to
speak on this topic but did not attend the meeting.
Memberships: The membership fee is due at the
AGM and is $2 per person per year.
Annual Donation to Unity In Action: Motion to donate $50 to Unity In
Action. Moved Joanne Dawe/ Seconded Alice Millar/ Carried.
Meeting Adjourned: 20:13
Next Meeting: Tentatively scheduled for Tuesday
January 23, 2018 at Unity in Action Church from 7 pm to 9 pm.
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