WERA Annual General Meeting November 25, 2014

W. E. R. A. Annual General Meeting;
http://www.mywestend.blogspot.com Email: mywestend@telus.net
November 25, 2014: commenced 7:03 p.m.
        Chair: Elmer Rudolph;     Recorder: Gavin McLeod
        Number of attendees: 11
1.Approval of minutes of previous meetings: Motion to approve minutes of September 23, 2014. Moved by Bill Zander and seconded by Mary Wilson.
2.Additional Agenda Items: None
3.Discussion of Input to New West Police Planning Process: Gavin McLeod was asked to distribute forms to determine levels of satisfaction and input for planning; there were 6 questions for input:
  1. 1: In your community(organization); from a safety/ policing perspective what is the #1 issue that   the NWPD need to address? The number one concern was with traffic and perceived lack of enforcement of traffic regulations such as speeding, crosswalk infractions, failure to yield     right of way and distracted driving mostly due to cell/smart phone usage.    
  2. 2. What does the NWPD do well? There was positive input to this question, attendees commented on the approachability of NWPD members and found them to be friendly and communicative, response to calls (no call too small), presence of members at Grimston park and great     interaction with kids and parents.    
  3. 3. What could the NWPD do better? Traffic bylaw enforcement, response to complaints, school zone and playground speed limit enforcement particularly 8th street between 6th Ave and 8th Ave.    
  4. 4. With limited resources, the NWPD cannot do everything that everyone wants – what’s at the top of your list of things that they should focus on? Continue focus on serious crime, traffic bylaw enforcement adding education and consciousness raising to enforcement.    
  5. 5. What are 1 or 2 concrete things the NWPD could do in the next year that would make a positive difference n the community? See number 4.    
  6. 6. What’s one thing that the NWPD (and your organization) could work on together? Promote block watch, work closely with residents’ associations, greater use of social media including youtube, connecting through school system and regular reports in local papers.
4.Discussion of Policy to Preserve Existing Green Spaces Throughout the City: Mary Wilson spoke about green spaces in the city and the lack of current legislation to preserve the green spaces. Elmer Rudolph spoke about a recent survey of the “Urban Forest”. Mary Wilson put forth a motion which was sedonded.:
Whereas the West End Residents' Association recognizes the value of public spaces in this city, and especially the value of public green space, it is
MOVED that the West End Residents' Association ask the City to develop strong policies and practices, across all departments, to ensure that public green space in the city is protected, preserved, and publicly accessible, especially in our West End neighbourhood.
Briana Tomkinson proposed an amendment to the above motion to define green space:
(including but not limited to parks, greenbelts, laneways and boulevards)
The amendment was seconded and carried. The amended motion:
Whereas the West End Residents' Association recognizes the value of public spaces in this city, and especially the value of public green space, it is
MOVED that the West End Residents' Association ask the City to develop strong policies and practices, across all departments, to ensure that public green space in the city (including but not limited to parks, greenbelts, laneways and boulevards) is protected, preserved, and publicly accessible, especially in our West End neighbourhood.
The amended motion was passed.
5.Status of Stewardson Way Crosswalk: Elmer Rudolph provided an update on the status of the replacement crosswalk to crossing Stewardson Way to provide access to and from River Drive. There is money in the 2015 budget; the city is waiting for comment and input from Translink and the BC government; it is possible that either of these two may have objections to the crosswalk.
6.Status Update on changes to traffic light at 8th Ave and 20th Street: Elmer has been in discussion with Jerry Behl regarding the upgrading of the traffic light control at the 20th and 8th intersection and the change it light timing to increase the safety of the south pedestrian crossing. Jerry advised Elmer that the city had hired a consultant and advised Elmer that the consultant would be contacting him; eventually the consultant did contact Elmer but did not provide much detail but the impression was that his advice pertained to traffic flow not pedestrian safety; the consulant suggested that Elmer read the report. Elmer will be contacting Jerry Behl for his explanation.
7.Election of WERA Officers: Nomination and election of WERA executive for a 2 year term
Nominations: Elmer Rudolph (nomination accepted).    Bill Zander (nomination declined)
.Elmer Rudolph declared elected by acclamation.
Vice President:
Nominations: Frank Norman (nomination accepted)
Frank Norman declared elected by acclamation.
Secretary/ Treasurer:
Nominations: Gavin McLeod (nomination accepted); no further nominations.
Gavin McLeod declared elected.
8.City Election Comments: Elmer Rudolph commented that the lineup to vote seemed to take longer than usual at Lord Tweedsmuir and suggested an increase in the number of poll clerks.
9.Donation to Unity In Action Church for Hall Use: WERA has donated $50 per year as appreciation for use of the Church facility for its meetings. A motion to pay $50 was made, seconded and passed.
10.Membership Renewals: Membership costs $2 per year payable at the November AGM.

Meeting adjourned at: 8:30 p.m.
Next meeting: Tentatively Tuesday January 27, 2015 at Unity in Action Church from 7pm to 9pm.

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