W. E. R. A. General Meeting 2012 02 28

February 28, 2012: commenced 7:00 p.m.
Chair: Elmer Rudolph
Recorder: Gavin McLeod
Number of attendees: 6
1) Approval of minutes of previous meeting: Moved Seconded and Carried to approve minutes of the meeting of September 27, 2011 meeting: moved by Bill Zander seconded by Mary Wilson.
2) City Master Transportation Plan: Mary Wilson attended public meetings; Gavin McLeod has attended public meetings as well as Traffic Advisory meetings as representative from WERA and a representative from the Traffic Advisory meeting to the Master Transportation Plan Meetings. The city plan is at the beginning stage of gathering information from public input. The city has decided not to participate in Translinks’ consultation process on the replacement of the Pattullo bridge. The master transportation plan is attempting to address all areas of transportation including walking, bicycling, public transportation, movement of goods and infrastructure. The plan intends to address the related issues of greenhouse gas emissions, public health, and community livability. Check out the link to the master plan at this link: http://www.newwestcity.ca/residents/residents_services/transportation/master_transportation_plan.php
3) Pattullo Bridge Replacement Project: Translink is consulting with the public in New Westminster and Surrey to obtain public opinion on the options offered by Translink. Elmer Rudolph and Gavin McLeod attended a presentation for residents’ associations. The number of options available have been reduced to two for the location of the bridge and 3 options for the approaches for each bridge choice. The initial meeting was followed up with meetings incorporating small groups to provide more feedback, unfortunately the time allotted was very limited.
4) 20th Street Corridor Study Results: Opus International Consultants was hired by the city to study the traffic situation on 20th street. Bill Zander suggested that the study should have been done in house by city staffers in the traffic engineering department. The 20th street study has been incorporated into the city’s Master Transportation Plan.
5) West End Neighbourhood Sign Toppers: The sign toppers have finally been installed throughout the west end.
6) Kruger Paper Biogas Burner: Kruger has installed a state of the art biogas burner, the gas is generated from waste wood converted to gas and the gas is burned to make steam for plant operations and heat an electrostatic precipitator removes all particles before the combustion product (Co2) is exhausted into the atmosphere. Bill Zander and Gavin McLeod have gone on tours to learn about the system.
7) Seniors Engagement Toolkit: This toolkit is intended to help City staff when they engage seniors in municipal planning and development processes. Increased and more effective engagement will ensure seniors’ viewpoints are addressed and community solutions are responsive to their diverse and changing needs. The toolkit is a dynamic resource, and is open to review and revision. It is written for City staff and includes a resource for seniors who want to be more active in municipal government decision-making. The senior engagement kit may be downloaded at the city website at: http://www.newwestcity.ca/database/rte/files/SET%20Final%20Report%20May%202%202011.pdf
8) New WERA Delegate to Citizens’ Police Committee: Andrea Francis resigned as the representative from WERA to the Citizens’ Police Committee; Gavin McLeod volunteered, there were no other volunteers, Gavin McLeod was named as the representative.
Adjourned: 8:55 pm.
Next meeting: tentatively scheduled for April 24th, 2012 @ 7pm at Unity In Action Church.

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