General Meeting: January 27, 2009

West End Residents' Association
General Meeting: January 27, 2009; commenced 7:05 p.m.
Chair: Elmer Rudolph
Recorder: Mary Wilson/ Gavin McLeod
Guests: Egil Lyngen (Architect of 818 12th Street)
Reena Drees (BC-STV)
Barry Waitt (New Westminster Planning)
1. Reading and approval of minutes
Moved/ seconded to accept. (Gavin McLeod/ Andrea Francis).
2. Developer Presentation for 818 12th Street (Egil Lyngen)
Mr. Lyngen presented his proposal for development at 818 12th Street
3. STV (Single Transferable Vote-Reena Drees
Mr. Drees informed the audience about STV and the upcoming referendum that will take place in conjunction with the provincial election. The website is at
4. W.E.R.A. Boundary Amendments
Motion to redefine the boundaries of the West End.
Motion by Mary Wilson
All residents in the West End area of the City of New Westminster are eligible to become members of the Association. The West End area of the City of New Westminster is defined as the area between 6th Avenue/ Marine Way and 10th Avenue, from 12th Street to 20th Street and River Drive south of Marine Way.
Seconded by Diane Rawson
Carried by majority of members present. Amended definition will be transferred to bylaws.
5. Progress Report on West End Street Sign Grant
Elmer reported that the money for the Street Signs is part of a bulk package of money for Street Signs and will probably be allocated this year. The estimated grant is $4000 and each sign is estimated to have an installed cost of $100 which results in 40 signs. Location of the 40 signs will be discussed at a later date. There is an option for individuals or groups to purchase street signs.
6. School Site Consultation Update
A workshop is scheduled for February 3, 2009.
7. Financial Report
The treasurer was not in attendance so the financial report is deferred to the next meeting.
9. Citizens Police Committee Report (weracpcrep@hotmail).
Gavin McLeod reported that concerns are rat running and speeding near Tweedsmuir School and Grimston Park.
10. Traffic Advisory Committee Report
Andrea Francis reported on recent Traffic Advisory meeting.
11. Membership Renewals
Elmer Rudolph collected money from members present.
12. Parking Proposals
Barry Waitt reported on proposed changes to parking space allocation in New Westminster. The proposal is to reduce parking spaces due to under utilization. Mr. Waitt was asked about bicycle parking.
13. Report on Chuck Puchmayr
Mr Puchmayr is reported to be doing well after a liver transplant.
Motion to send get well letter/ card from WERA; Elmer Rudolph volunteered to do that.

Meeting adjourned at 9:20 pm
Next meeting scheduled for March 24th 2009

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