General Meeting Feb 26 2006

West End Residents' Association
General Meeting: February 28, 2006; commenced 7:06 p.m.
Chair: Elmer Rudolph
Recorder: Gavin McLeod

Reading and approval of Minutes
No minutes were available.
Agenda Items:
1. Status of consultation process between WERA and the City of New Westminster regarding NR-5
rezoning policy in the West End Neighbourhood
2. Update on meeting between Citizens’ Crime Committee and police representatives regarding 12th street crime and policing issues.

Guests: Steve Jones from New Westminster Planning Department

Guest Reports
NR5 process;
Addressed were: Real estate subdivisions; subdividing of 66 foot lots.
What is desired is to obtain opinion of all affected residents in the West End.
WERA policy is to oppose subdivision until consultative process has reached a conclusion.
WERA is talking to the City of New Westminster to create a process.
Possible method suggested were public workshops with visual aids and a survey to complete after.
Three scenarios were presented consisting of:
Full permission to subdivide
No permission to subdivide
A position somewhere between choice one and two.

The above options were explained.
The west end would be assessed based on geography and concentrating on the area with the largest number of 66 foot and wider lots.
A proposed survey was discussed and the suggestion made was to base the questions on the original NR1 survey questions.
The legal implications of discrimination were brought up.
New Westminster council support would be required.
Steve Jones outline a proposed process including an advisory planning commission, council meetings and public hearings to be advertised in the newspaper.
Elmer Rudolph suggested upgrading of rezoning process with community involvement encompassing a large section of the affected neighbourhoods.
Discussion ensued regarding the effects on increased density resulting from subdivided lots.

Citizens Police Committee: Gavin McLeod reported on being a representative for the West End Residents association to the Citizens Police Committee. The committee consists of representatives on resident associations and is supposed to provide a pipeline between the residents and Community policing.
At previous Citizens police committee meeting the majority of complaints centered on problems with homeless people, drug deals, property crime and prostitution.
Reports From Citizens In The West End:
Report of assault at 14th and Edinburgh involving older youths armed with pipes.
Reports on prostitution, break ins, drug deals.
Crime prevention techniques were mentioned including CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design).

Moved/ Seconded/ Carried to Adjourn

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